Sunday 13 March 2016

PDF⋙ Cost Estimating & Contract Pricing: Tools, Techniques and Best Practices by Gregory A. Garrett

Cost Estimating & Contract Pricing: Tools, Techniques and Best Practices by Gregory A. Garrett

Cost Estimating & Contract Pricing: Tools, Techniques and Best Practices

Cost Estimating & Contract Pricing: Tools, Techniques and Best Practices by Gregory A. Garrett PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The process of estimating the cost for the development and delivery of a product, service, or solution can range from simple to highly complex based upon multiple factors including: technology maturity, urgency, geographic location, quantity, quality, availability of resources, hardware and software, systems integration and more.

This book provides a comprehensive discussion of cost estimating and contract pricing with extensive use of tools, techniques, and best practices from both the public and private sectors.

Key topics of discussion include:

  • Cost estimating methods
  • Cost accounting standards
  • Cost analysis
  • Profit analysis
  • Contract pricing arrangements
  • Price analysis
  • Total ownership cost
  • Earned value management systems

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